Who we are
Here's the deal, Holy Cross cares about one thing more than anything else, Jesus Christ. Holy Cross is a family of individuals that have found hope in Jesus, and simply want as many people as possible to experience that exact same freedom.
Our Purpose
Our purpose is simple: To be disciples of Jesus Christ and to make disciples of Jesus Christ (Matt. 28:19 - 20)
Our Process
Our process is as simple as our purpose: In order to be disciples of Jesus Christ and make disciples of Jesus Christ we commit ourselves and invite others to join us in a simple, 4 step process:
Why do ministry this way?
In addition to the fact that being and making disciples is exactly what Christ calls us to do (Matthew 28:19-20)…
We are doing ministry this way because:
1. Spiritual maturity is an awesome experience and a worthy goal and continuing in spiritual immaturity is not.
2. We were created to live close to God not far away; not with God at our periphery but with God at our center.
3. That mentioned above is what God wants most for us.
4. That mentioned above is what will lead to true transformation of the world around us. Transformation gives rise to transformation. Starting with us.
What this means for you
What does this mean for you? Most importantly, you're always welcome at Holy Cross. We're saving a seat for you. Wherever you're at in your faith journey, you'll always be accepted as part of the Holy Cross family.
If you'd simply like to get in touch with a person on our lead team directly, click the button below.